Ground Observation Corp (GOC)



Bird Watchers back on the job 03.18.57
Bird Watchers number 97 04.09.57
Constructing new tower 02.21.56
GOC and Civil Defense 01.19.57
GOC attendanceat meetings being affected by the flu bug 02.20.1958
GOC called for 72 hour alert test--looking for bombers 09.29.1958
GOC news 10.14.55
GOC news from May meetng 06.13.1958
GOC notes 05.23.57
GOC officially recognized as part of Civil Defense 01.16.1958
GOC on duty for national civil defense alert 05.06.1958
GOC on orders to stand down 04.20.57
GOC practice alert April 17th 04.16.1958
GOC regular August mtg Thursday w awards to be presented 08.20.1958
GOC regula August mtg--22 receive awards 08.23.1958
GOC regular March meeting--prepping for tornado season 03.31.1958
GOC regular meeting for May 16 05.14.1958
GOC to go out of business in January w 138 members 11.21.1958
GOC volunteer of the month award to Allie Seaver 04.25.1958
Manuevers and reserve status 05.07.57
Materials for tower 02.27.56
More Bird Watchers Needed 05.15.56
Need more volunteers 05.28.56
New Tower done, but Lamar lags 05.10.56
Study course for Bird Watchers 04.17.57
Tower to tie to stadium 04.02.56